This version had the shopping element that the U.S. The show aired on Canale 5.įrom September 1987 to 1988, the show aired on Odeon TV. In 1985, the show was one of several game shows that was part of the television series, Pentatlon, which was also hosted by Mike Bongiorno. The Italian version of Wheel will return on the air in late 2023 on Canale 5 and will be hosted by Gerry Scotti. Previously hosted by Mike Bongiorno, the show was hosted by Enrico Papi on Italia 1, and featured Victoria Silvstedt from the French version of the show, La Roue de la Fortune. The show has run nonstop since 1988 on Canale 5 and Rete 4, and switched from a trilon to an electronic board in the mid-1990s, like the U.S.
La ruota della fortuna is the Italian version of Wheel of Fortune. JSTOR ( February 2017) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message).
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